Monday, February 23, 2009

Regarding to Relay For Life

I just recently learned that Relay for Life is the day after Prom. For those who are going, just tell me what time you will be showing up, but keep in mind that our drumline will be performing in the morning, and our Marching Band's Drum majors along with your President and your Vice President will be marching along with them. I would like as many people as possible that morning as well, because I would like to get a picture and send it to MENC so they may publish it on Tri - M News, also so we may put it on our Tri - M yearbook and send it to MENC and try to win Chapter of the Year, so we can show MKHS we dominate as a Tri - M chapter around here, and it's our turf muwahwahahahaha.....
yeah.. so Prom is Friday, May 15, 2009
Relay For Life is Saturday, May 16, 2009 - Sunday, May 17, 2009
For those of you who will be working with service clubs, I understand that, but you will have a lot of time to be with Tri - M through out the day. So stop using it as an excuse! The person in charge already told me they have A LOT of vollunteers, so there would be no problem if you guys stepped away from your service club.
For the forms, just fill out what you can. I'll tell you how to fill out everything else on the meeting we have on March 6, I will be at another meeting with American Cancer Society on March 2. So if there are any questions, feel free to ask.

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