Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Meeting 10/28/08

-Food Fair: we will be selling sushi for food fair. Please support your club! =]

-Tri M Sweaters: Please submit your designs to Albert by the next meeting. We need sweaters during the winter and to show that there's a music club on campus! *colors: dark gray, maroon

-Christmas Caroling: we will go Christmas caroling in December at an elderly home. Any suggestions on what to sing or play? so far, we will be performing "Silent Night"

*Congrats to new art chair Christine and new treasurer Keene!

**ATTENTION: From now on, ALL TRI M MEETINGS WILL BE ON TUESDAYS AT 3:40PM until posted otherwise


*Those who do not attend three meetings will have to pay $7 club dues.


Denny said...

LMAO that was my suggestion ahha

"silent night" LOL

umm i think sing btter due to the fact playing might be too loud LOL or not idk

we might sing outta tune LOL

Tri - M officers said...

Well Denny
thats why were gonna start early on singing with Ms. Maloney
hopfully we wont sing out of tune

-Albert Lu